Save money with property tax exemptions
Discover the exemptions you qualify for
Only pay if you save
No upfront costs
Local tax experts
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Seamlessly save on your property taxes.

We've done the research so you don't have to. We help identify tax exemptions you and your property may qualify for.

We work directly with the county to ensure your exemption paperwork is processed and applied correctly to your next tax bill.

We continuously monitor your exemption status to make sure you are always getting the savings you deserve.
Average Annual Savings
< 5
Minute Sign-up Process
Average Tax Refund (when eligible)
Comprehensive tax monitoring solutions
Ownwell monitors your property taxes to ensure you never overpay.
Easy sign-up
Sign up for Ownwell in less than 5 minutes to file your exemptions and receive best in class tax appeal support.
Claim refunds from previous years
Answer a few questions to see if you’re eligible for any tax exemptions. We will process and file for free and pursue any tax refunds you may be owed.
Only pay if you save
You only pay if we get you a tax savings. No savings, no fee. It’s simple.
Ongoing tax monitoring
Never overpay again! We monitor your property taxes every year and appeal or file corrections on your behalf. If we don’t reduce your taxes, our tax monitoring is entirely FREE.
Tax savings everyone is talking about.
(1,800+ reviews)
View pricing in your area
Only pay if you save
No upfront costs
Industry low contingency
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Ownwell help me save money?
We manage the end-to-end process of property tax reduction. We monitor property taxes for our customers year round. From filing all necessary paperwork to compiling evidence and presenting at applicable hearings for property tax appeals. We use a combination of proprietary technology and local knowledge to reduce your property taxes every way we know how.
This includes:
- Preparing, filing, and tracking property tax exemptions.
- Pursuing all types of property tax refunds (errors, exemptions, over-assessments).
- Representing the property owner in hearings to earn tax reductions.
- Performing comparative market analysis and assemble compelling evidence.
- Submitting appropriate evidence to your tax assessor and hearing board.
- Negotiating assessment reduction with appraisers and review boards.
- Always monitoring your property expense to find you more ways to save.
What do I need to apply for exemptions?
All you need is your current ID which includes the property address you’re applying for. In select geographies, you will also need proof of ownership dated near your move-in date, such as a utility bill - anything that proves you lived on the property.
What exemptions could I be eligible for?
There are hundreds of different types of tax exemptions available, with different ways to qualify based on residency, age, disability, recent natural disasters, renewable energy usage, and more. Ownwell uses data & technology to match your property with all eligible exemptions to maximize your property tax savings. Our local tax experts often find opportunities to reduce your assessment in addition to any exemption(s) you may already have in place. Ownwell also provides ongoing property tax monitoring for tens of thousands of property owners and reviews their tax exemption eligibility throughout the year.
How are savings calculated?
Ownwell uses technology to identify and calculate tax savings opportunities for property owners across the country. We use existing tax assessments and tax rates to estimate savings for each individual property. However, actual savings will vary depending on individual circumstances, additional information that may support a larger reduction.